RELATED August 29, 2024 Focus on the Front Line or Fall Behind: A Fresh Look at Federal Employee Engagement August 09, 2023 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government Employee Engagement Toolkit March 29, 2023 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government Communications Toolkit Best Places to Work in the Federal Government Communications Toolkit June 16, 2021 Robust, two-way communication between agency leadership and employees is essential to building trust, empowering staff and fostering engagement within an organization. Every year, however, less than 50% of Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey respondents say they believe their feedback will be used to improve their agency. In order to improve engagement and build a positive work experience, employees need to know their voices matter and that their feedback is being taken seriously. The 2020 survey and the need for communication and feedback are particularly important with the disruption of the normal work routines for many federal employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Partnership for Public Service and Boston Consulting Group created this toolkit to help federal leaders—along with communications and human resources staff—communicate with employees about the FEVS and the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® rankings, and ultimately to demonstrate that employee feedback is valued and being used to make their agencies better places to work. This toolkit provides guidance and templates, but we recommend that any plans or materials be customized to meet your agency’s needs. Download (2m)